God Is Faithful

Scripture: Faithful is He who promised, who also will do it.

Have you ever experienced such pain and suffering that you thought you would never make it through?  Did you think for a moment that God had forgotten about you?  The fact is, God allows us to experience His faithfulness through our life experiences. As believers in Christ, everything that we go through, whether it be a positive experience or a negative one, is for the purpose of  developing our faith in the faithfulness of Christ Jesus. We are more apt to trust God when things are going well – when we are having mountaintop experiences.  But when we go through wilderness experiences, our emotions can get us so out of balance that we may even doubt whether God is on the job. It is during these times that we must go to our secret closet, quiet our emotions and commune with God. We can rest assured that God will never leave or forsake us. The Lord is orchestrating the events of our lives and He has sent His precious Holy Spirit to abide with us, to comfort us when we go through trying times, to direct our steps and to reveal Jesus in us and through us.  Let us trust in God’s faithfulness and allow Him to perfect us  through our wilderness and mountaintop experiences.

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, take me to a deeper level of understanding and experience with you.  Help me see Your faithfulness in all the life experiences that You lead me through.  Amen.